TEAM Lucia Mar

The Newsletter is filled with highlights of students, staff & Lucia Mar in the community!   Each of our schools can be featured in the newsletter.  Make sure your school is represented by sharing information that is notable and newsworthy!!!!  This includes student projects, field trips, athletic successes, new programs that affect student learning, staff highlights, and so much more!  We want to not only share information, but celebrate our successes and tell our stories.

The newsletter also includes links to additional information.  We are so excited about Team Lucia Mar and everything we are accomplishing and we want to make sure everyone has a chance to hear about it!

As part of the team, your input is vital.  You know what is going on at your schools, in your classrooms, in your departments, and we want to know about it!  Do you have a student that did some great work?  Drop us an email!  Did your students or staff participate in a community project?  Let us know!  Are you doing some innovative work that you are proud to share?  THAT is newsworthy!  Can’t wait to hear from YOU!  YOU are TEAM Lucia Mar!!!  Be a part of telling the TEAM Lucia Mar story.

Email: [email protected]


Archived newsletters below: